IDA: Business Intelligence for Everyone

Instant answers to your data questions. No coding. No waiting.

Power your journey of discovery to dive deeply into data using natural language, intuitive drag-and-drop tools, and nearly unlimited data sources for faster answers and better insight.

The one tool you need to unlock the power of data.

Intuitive Data Analytics (IDA) produces data insights without having to rely on IT or data teams to create dashboards.

IDA lets you run endless what-if scenarios, adjust variables, and add new data with no programming required.

Introducing IDA


IDA is an interactive BI solution and virtual data assistant. Powered by AI and machine learning, IDA lets you play with the data and take you on a journey of discovery.

When you’re looking at data, you don’t always know what questions to ask at first glance. But you don’t have time to keep sending it back to data teams to rework. IDA lets you DYI with simple tools that anyone can use. Find the information you want, add it to the mix, and IDA does the rest.

IDA at Work


IDA lets you interact with data in flexible ways to match your workflow. Type in text, drag and drop (including touch), or simply ask IDA what you want. Create visualizations on the fly by swiping, tapping, or asking.

Predictive modeling shows you the future. Think interest rates or inflation will rise again? See the impact by adjusting a slider. Futureproof your business by anticipating and planning for disruptive events or changes in workflow.

IDA Benefits


IDA is different than other BI tools. Designed to support the way you think and work, IDA lets you create powerful visualizations and dashboards with real-time data, allowing you to manipulate it without having to wait for IT to create individualized reports. It’s the data the way you want it with customized visualizations for every team member.

You need an easy way to see what’s happening at a glance and forecast what’s coming next. IDA can help you:

Become a Data Detective

Your business isn’t static and your data shouldn’t be either. Become a data detective with a BI tool that adapts to your business and how you like to work.

Ask questions without platform limitations

Get answers instantly without programming

Follow lines of unstructured investigation

Leverage what-if analysis and predictive modeling


Create more accurate forecasts and identify missed opportunities or misaligned sales initiatives. 

See the impact of change and how it affects future performance.



Quickly isolate the variables that affect outputs and make adjustments to see the overall impact.

Understand the interaction between multiple variables and how they impact each other.



Quickly visualize and understand how disruptive events and circumstances outside your control impact your bottom line to be better prepared.

Collaboration Superpowers

It’s no secret. Businesses work better when they work together using the same data, but can slice and dice up in different ways to find new perspectives.

IDA enables teams to share ideas and insights, share comments, and produce new reports instantly for greater exploration.

  • Secure document share
  • Real-time visualizations
  • Instant report publishing
  • Role-based permissions

Just Ask.

Get the powerful insights you need by asking IDA what you want to know. IDA understands natural language and empowers you to think strategically without having to worry about the underlying code. Data is at your command to find out exactly what you want to know.

IDA eliminates the IT costs and wait times traditional BI platforms require to build reports, charts, and dashboards.

See IDA in action to transform your organization and unlock data insights for better business decisions.

Intuitive, Interactive Business Intelligence

IDA lets you create customized queries and reports on the fly. interact with the data in real-time. and leverage dynamic predictive modeling and correlation analysis to reveal deeper insights. Interactive and responsive to voice commands, clicks, swipes, and typing, IDA enables anyone to hone in on data and discover the true business intelligence that leads to actionable insights.

Want to see IDA in action? Schedule a demo now.